OZSTRUT is now providing in house seismic bracing and structural frame design solutions for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire, and medical gas systems.
Our team members have extensive experience in seismic design both in Australia and internationally. We take care of all aspects from start to finish; Engineering, code compliance, project management of design, drafting, certification and bill of materials. We also offer solutions for structural engineering of building service supports, whether you need a prefab solution or to check the capacity of a specific framework or design & certify supports for non-structural components.
We are providing engineered solutions so that your project not only complies with standards but is completed with minimal cost in terms of material and labour. We offer solutions that can save you time, money and take the hassle out of seismic bracing.
- Preparing tender documents and cost estimation for design and material
- Design both typical and special seismic supports according to Australian standards
- Providing plan layout drawings and detail drawings
- Design for lifting and lifting methodology
- BIM coordination services and preparing 3D model
- Providing shop drawings for special frame design (supports and prefabrication)
- Providing material quantity take off, based on the design
- Inspection and preparing construction monitoring report by physical site visits and/or remotely
- Design certification according to Australian code signed by a charted engineer with CPEng (Australia-wide) | NER (Australia-wide) | RPEQ (in Queensland) | VBA (in Victoria) certifications
Get in touch with our team on: 02 9620 9999 | sales@ozstrut.com.au |
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OZSTRUT SEISMIC - Delivering Solutions