Here’s our terms & conditions without the legal language.

  • If you would like to return goods or there is a problem with your delivery, you need to tell us within 14 days, but the sooner the better.
  • We will not accept returns of “special orders” or “made to order” products.
  • If you are returning a product, we may need to see proof of purchase.
  • Requests for refunds or credit should be made direct to our sales team.
  • Goods returned for change of mind must be in saleable condition. If the goods are deemed unsaleable, we may refuse a replacement/refund. We will let you know within 7 days if your claim is rejected and return the goods to you.
  • Where items are returned for change of mind or incorrect choice, we may require you to pay handling fees. The cost of the handling fees will be limited to 20% of the value of the returned goods plus freight.
  • We will accept returns of faulty goods providing:
    1. we agree they are defective and
    2. the goods are returned in a reasonable time at your cost and
    3. the goods are returned in as close a condition to that in which they were delivered as possible.
  • If we need to replace defective goods but are unable to do so we will give you a refund.
  • We are not liable for damage which may be caused by:
    1. failing to maintain the goods properly,
    2. using the goods for any purpose other than that for which they are designed,
    3. using the goods after a defect becomes apparent,
    4. failing to follow instructions for use or installation,
    5. fair wear and tear.

View the full legal version of our terms + conditions here